The can be setup to have a password. This can cause problems on Windows where on Windows 2003 the Domino server starts, however it expects a password. This caused me the issue of getting stuck when logging in. Although passwords are recommended I tend to rely on the security of the server (Ensuring only valid users can actually logon and access important files).
To remove a password from your servers id file you can do the following (Recommended to be done when the server is not being accessed):
1.To remove the password log on to the IBM Lotus Domino Servers desktop via the console session (The Domino Server Console only displays on the main console session)
2.In the IBM Domino Server console type “l notes”
3.This will start Lotus Notes and log in with the file
4.Once in to Lotus Notes goto File – > Security -> User Security…
5.Click Change Password
6.Click No Password
7.Click Yes
8.Click Ok
This is now complete, exit IBM Notes. If you want to test this then input the following command into the IBM Domino Console “server restart” and it will restart the domino server and go straight into firing up its services.
If you get stuck logging on to a Windows Server running password secured Domino 8 via Terminal Service (Where Terminal Services states “Applying Settings”)
If you can’t access Terminal Services but have access to a server which has an administrator account that matches the Domino Server, run the following command “taskkill /s servername /f /im nserver.exe /t” (Replace the server name with the servers name)
Although PSTools in theory should work I could not get this to work.