We have an issue where on a rare occasion a scan from V1 DBScanner to DBCapture can corrupt the queue and cause DBCapture Admin to state it is unable to open a document rendering the whole application unusable.
I have a batch script to perform some maintenance. Over time I have commented out lines which are not required. I have left my change drive to d script as this is normally where server applications are installed. I have replaced our port with
After the queue is rebuilt the program actually starts the server as normal, in my batch the program is executed in a seperate process and then killed off after 400 seconds (As long as the rebuild is complete then V1 is fine with this, if running line by line press Ctrl + C to close the program instead). Depending on the amount of documents in the queue it may need to be increased.
ECHO ********************************* ECHO * Restarting DBCapture Services * ECHO ********************************* ECHO ********************************* ECHO * Change to drive D * ECHO ********************************* d: ECHO ********************************* ECHO * Stopping V1 Services * ECHO ********************************* REM net stop DbADepServer REM net stop DbCSArchiveServer-<port> REM net stop DbADepServer-<port> REM net stop DbCSAuthServer-<port> net stop DbCapComms-<port> net stop DbCapOCRServer REM net stop DbCapturePDFFileWatcher net stop DbCSCaptureServer net stop DbCSCaptureServerExport REM net stop DbCheckFilewatcher REM net stop DbLoginServer REM net stop DbWebQLiveCacheClean REM net stop DbArchiveCacheClean ECHO ********************************* ECHO * Rebuild DBCapture Queue * ECHO ********************************* start "DBCapture" "<path to dbcapture communications server>\dbcapcomms.exe" -debug <port> -queueupdate ECHO ********************************* ECHO * Waiting 400 seconds * ECHO ********************************* rem Credit For lower CPU usage, instead of using WAIT use Ping as suggested on http://ss64.com/nt/timeout.html PING -n 401>nul ECHO ********************************* ECHO * Kill of DBCapture program * ECHO ********************************* Taskkill /IM "DbCapComms.exe" /F ECHO ********************************* ECHO * Starting V1 Services * ECHO ********************************* REM net start DbLoginServer REM net start DbCapComms-<port> REM net start DbCheckFilewatcher REM net start DbWebQLiveCacheClean REM net start DbArchiveCacheClean REM net start DbADepServer-<port> REM net start DbCSArchiveServer-<port> REM net start DbCSAuthServer-<port> net start DbCapComms-<port> net start DbCapOCRServer REM net start DbCapturePDFFileWatcher net start DbCSCaptureServer net start DbCSCaptureServerExport ECHO ********************************* ECHO * Complete Exiting * ECHO ********************************* EXIT
SS64 for recommending Ping instead of Wait – SS64
Datel Support for providing the command to rebuild the queue – Datel