Sage EDI IN Intermediary Email

I have found users don’t always read the logs from the Adaptus EDI Module anymore in Sage Line 500.
There are a few reasons why orders get stuck, the most common is a customer has sent a duplicate EDI file although one was caused by incorrect product supersession setup causing an endless loop.

USE <Affected Sage Company MSSQL Database>
CREATE procedure [dbo].[usp_email_edi_held_orders]
-- =============================================
-- Author:		Christopher Smith
-- Create date: 01/08/2017
-- Description:	The procedure looks for orders held in the EDI IN Intermediary Tables
-- Changes:
-- 1.0.1 - 02/08/2017 - Added dateformat dmy as when run was reporting "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.".  Ensured all date values were cast as datetime as well.
-- 1.0.2 - 11/04/2019 - Corrected the Sales Order lookup to check the invoice customer instead of delivery customer on opheadm
-- =============================================
-- exec [dbo].[usp_email_edi_held_orders]
-- =============================================
print 'Change to DMY format'
print 'Populate temp table'
Create Table #results(
	customer VARCHAR(8),
	existingorderno varchar(10),
	received_date char(8),
	customer_order VARCHAR(20),
	"filename" char(30),
	warehouse char(2),
	product char(20),
	long_description char(40),
	required_quantity int
insert into #results (customer,received_date,customer_order,"filename",warehouse,product,long_description,required_quantity) 
	SELECT customer,received_date,customer_order,"filename",warehouse,product,long_description,required_quantity
	FROM "scheme"."eiorhdm" t1
		INNER JOIN "scheme"."eiordtm" t2
			ON t1.key_code = LEFT(t2.key_code,LEN(RTRIM(t1.key_code)))
	WHERE t1.update_status = 'h' and CAST(received_date as datetime) BETWEEN CAST(GETDATE() -7 as datetime) and CAST(GETDATE() as datetime)
print 'Check if need to send email'
if (select count(*) AS nos from #results) = 0 
print 'No Email to Send'
goto END1
print 'Check if existing SOP number exists and update table'
update t1
	set t1.existingorderno = t2.order_no
		from #results t1
			INNER JOIN scheme.opheadm(nolock) t2
				ON t1.customer_order = t2.customer_order_no and t1.customer = t2.invoice_customer
update #results
	set existingorderno = 'NOMATCH'
		from #results
		where existingorderno IS NULL
print 'Create HTML for Email'


SET @tableHTML =
    N'<H1>Orders held in the EDI IN Intermediary Tables</H1>' +
	N'<font size="5" face="arial" color="red"> <H2>Please review orders held in the EDI IN module, if the order held does not match an existing order further checks may need to be done</H2></font>' +
    N'<table border="1">' +
    N'<tr><th>Customer No</th><th>Existing SO No</th>' +
    N'<th>Customer Order No</th><th>EDI Filename</th><th>Received Date</th>' +
	N'<th>WH</th><th>Product</th>' +
	N'<th>Description</th><th>Qty</th>' +
    CAST ( ( select td =   customer,'',
	td = existingorderno,'',
	td = customer_order,'',
	td = "filename",'',
	td = received_date,'',
	td = warehouse,'',
	td = product,'',
	td = long_description,'',
	td = required_quantity
from #results
order by customer, customer_order
N'</table>'  + 
N'<p> </p>' + 
N'<p> </p>' + 
N'<p>Regards.</p>' + 
N'<p> </p>' +
print 'Send Email'
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
    @profile_name = '<SQL Email Profile>',
	@recipients = '<Recipients>',
    @copy_recipients = '<Copy_Address>',
	@body = @tableHTML,
    @body_format = 'HTML',
	@subject = 'Orders held in the EDI IN Intermediary Tables'