Update Sage Line 500 Binaries

This should first be tested on a development system before being deployed to a live system. My steps may be incomplete, some binary upgrades will require new system keys or may require a utility to be run beforehand. Always test first!
Ensure no-one is using the Binary being upgraded, it is recommended for all users to log off Sage whilst updating binaries.

Check the binary version by going to Help –> About –> Versions Tab

Backup folders about to be modified
Copy the executable found in bin folder in to \csserver\bin\production and overwrite the one currently in here.
Copy the forms folder from the forms folder and copy to \csserver\csforms and overwrite the sl folder in here.
Copy the *.q files to \csserver\buildfiles
Copy *.ld files to the csserver\buildfiles folder
Copy the *.sk files to the \csserver\master folder

Register the new executables:
Load command prompt and browse to the csserver folder
Run the following commands
cd /d
-r (E.g nl -r sk -r)

If you have .q files do the following
cd buildfiles
msgbuild < mesg.q (E.g msgbuild nl < nlmesg.q or msgbuild sk < skmesg.q)If you have .ld files do the following load -pi sk_info < <.ld file> (E.G load -pi sk_info < skinfom.ld)