The Journal Listing Report on General Ledger produces lots of blank pages

Sage Line 500 V7.1 had an option added to not include blank lines between journals which lead to hundreds of pages of blank pages being printed.
If not in your version ask your reseller referencing 58022 to obtain the latest binary version and system key file introducing this.

Assembly Version 71.52 MR 58022 Closed 19/10/10 Dev MR
Problem : GL Journal Listing in SUmmary mode may have many blank lines between journals. Depends on the number of pages for each journal.
Solution : Resolved. Also see system keys NLJLISTBK1 and NLJLISTBK2

Assembly Version 71.164 MR 58022 Closed 19/10/10 Dev MR
Problem : GL Journal Listing in SUmmary mode may have many blank lines between journals. Depends on the number of pages for each journal.
Solution : Resolved. Also see system keys NLJLISTBK1 and NLJLISTBK2