Category: SQL Server
We needed to enable ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION and READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT to specific databases on a SQL Server 2008 instance, I found to do […]
Add a user to DatabaseMailUserRole on msdb
I had a user unable to use a script which generated an email, I found the user didn’t have permission, […]
Simple error checking when running batch files from T-SQL in SQL Server
A while ago we added error trapping to the batch file called by a SQL script, this was to ensure […]
T-SQL Get current Unix Time
The following allows you to work out the current time on the Unix Environment. The Datediff function is used to […]
Compress and move existing Windows 2012 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express backups
The following has been used to backup a server with Cisco Cubac on. The software runs on Windows 2012 machine […]