Category: Windows Server 2008
Windows 2008 – Alert on Scheduled Job Failure
First we need to enable logging for the Windows Task Scheduler, open Event Viewer (Put “eventvwr.msc” in Run) and browse […]
Windows 2008: Task Scheduler causes account lockout when policy locks account after one attempt
I encountered a very odd issue where I was attempting to amend a scheduled task on a Windows 2008 R2 […]
Remotely remove a broken user profile from another computers registry when the user folder is deleted
I recently had an issue where someone had deleted my admin user profile from a remote server by deleting its […]
Display advanced properties of scheduled tasks in command line
The following command requests a detailed display of the tasks on the local computer. It uses the /v parameter to […]
Filtering in Event Viewer Windows Server 2008 onwards
The Event Viewer from Server 2008 onwards is XML based. Filters based on XML syntax can be used such as: […]